2024.04 The research article, “Interstitial Fluid Shear Stress Induces the Synthetic Phenotype Switching of VSMCs to Release Pro-calcified Extracellular Vesicles via EGFR-MAPK-KLF5 Pathway.”, that Gang co-authored, got published by Int J Biol Sci.
2024.03 Gang presented a seminar talk, “allelic changes during mouse embryonic development”, at UW 4D-Genome Meeting.
2024.03 The research article, “Enhancing Hi-C contact matrices for loop detection with Capricorn, a multi-view diffusion model.”, that Gang co-authored, got accepted by 2024 ISMB.
2023.12 Gang was invited to gave a talk on, “Deep Fiducial Inference”, at 2023 Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2023).
2023.12 Gang presented a poster, “Pseudotime analysis and integration for time-series single-cell sequencing and imaging data”, at 2023 4DN annual meeting.
2023.11 Gang’s work, “Pseudotime analysis for time-series single-cell sequencing and imaging data”, has been accpeted as an oral talk at MLCB2023.
2023.10 The research article, “Redox-active endosomes mediate α5β1 integrin signaling and promote chondrocyte matrix metalloproteinase production in osteoarthritis.”, that Gang co-authored, got published by Science Signaling.
2023.09 The research article, “Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Dental Pulp and Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells”, that Gang co-authored, got accepted by Journal of Dental Research.
2023.09 Gang’ gave a talk on, “Pseudotime analysis and integration for time-series single-cell sequencing and imaging data”, at 2023 UW CMB Annual Meeting.
2023.08 Gang taught a session of a computer science course for high school girls and gender minorities for Genome Hackers program.
2023.07 Gang presetned a poster, “Pseudotime analysis and integration for time-series single-cell sequencing and imaging data”, at 2023 Statistical Genetics Symposium.
2023.06 The research article, “LSMMD-MA: scaling multimodal data integration for single-cell genomics data analysis.”, that Gang co-authored, got accepted by Bioinformatics.
2023.05 Gang completed the 2023 UW Future Faculty Fellows Workshop.
2023.03 Gang presetned a seminar talk, “Pseudotime analysis and integration for time-series single-cell sequencing and imaging data”, at UW 4D-Genome Meeting.
2023.01 Gang presetned a poster, “Integration of imaging and sequencing data in the context of visual cell sorting”, at 2023 UW CMB Annual Meeting.
2022.12 Gang was invited to gave a talk at the 8th Young Statistician Forum at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
2022.12 Gang prsented a poster, “Integration of imaging and sequencing data in the context of visual cell sorting”, at 2022 4D Nucleome (4DN) anual meeting.
2022.11 Gang was selected for Seattle Chinese Biomedical Association (SCBA) - Sino Biological Young investigator Award.
2022.09 Gang prsented a poster, “Integration of imaging and sequencing data in the context of visual cell sorting”, at 2022 UW Genome Sciences retreat.
2022.09 Gang co-organized ENCODE Nuclear Architecture Data Users’ Workshop.
2022.08 Our work, “Deconvolution of bulk RNA-seq reveals cell-type specificity mechanism in Alzheimer’s disease.”, is accepted as an oral talk (15 mins) for 2022 ASHG meeting. Congrats, Jia and Quan!
2022.06 Gang was invited to give a talk, “Integration of imaging and sequencing data in the context of visual cell sorting”, at The 5th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics(EcoStat 2022).
2022.05 Gang was invited to give a talk, “Integration of imaging and sequencing data in the context of visual cell sorting”, at 2022 HSPH Program in Quantitative Genomics Seminar.
2022.04 Gang gave a talk, “Integration of imaging and sequencing data in the context of visual cell sorting”, at UW GS postdoctoral seminar.
2022.04 The research article, “Identification of potentially functional circRNAs and prediction of circRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory network in periodontitis: bridging the gap between bioinformatics and clinical needs”, that Gang co-authored, got published by Journal of Periodontal Research.
2022.03 The research article, “A systematic evaluation of Hi-C data enhancement methods for enhancing PLAC-seq and HiChIP data.”, that Gang co-authored, got accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics.
2021.12 Gang presented a poster, “Integration of imaging and sequencing data in the context of visual cell sorting”, at 2021 4DN Annual Meeting.
2021.10 Jia presented our work, “Genome-wide association study of coronary heart disease in chronic kidney disease: the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study.”, as an E-poster at 2021 ASHG virtual meeting. Congrats, Jia!
2021.09 The research article, “Parallel characterization of cis-regulatory elements for multiple genes using CRISPRpath”, that Gang co-authored, got published in Science Advances.
2021.08 The research article, “ExpressHeart: Web Portal to Visualize Transcriptome Profiles of Non-cardiomyocyte Cells”, that Gang co-first-authored, got published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
2021.07 The book chapter “Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Genetics and Genomics”, that Gang co-authored, got published in the book “Machine Learning in Dentistry”, Springer, Cham.
2021.06 Gang’s dissertation, “Coupling Machine Learning with Fiducial Inference, Genetics and Epigenetics”, got published.
2021.06 Gang gave a seminar talk, “Integration of imaging and sequencing data in the context of visual cell sorting”, at UW 4D-Genome Meeting.
2021.05 Gang joined Bill Noble’s lab at Univerity of Washtington as UW Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow.
2021.05 Gang graduated form UNC at Chapel Hill with his doctoral degree.
2021.03 The research article, “iSMNN: Batch Effect Correction for Single-cell RNA-seq data via Iterative Supervised Mutual Nearest Neighbor Refinement”, that Gang co-authored, got accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics.
2021.03 Gang successfully passed the public oral defense.
2020.11 Gang gave two job talks at Univesity of Washington for postdoctoral positions.
2020.10 Le presented our work,“Leveraging deep learning methods developed for Hi-C data to enhance resolution of HiChIP/PLAC-seq data”, as an E-poster at 2020 ASHG virtual meeting. Our abstract has been selected as the reviewer’s choice award(~10%). Congrats, Le!
2020.10 Gang presented an E-poster on “DeepGWAS to Enhance GWAS Signals for Neuropsychiatric Disorders via Deep Neural Network” at 2020 ASHG virtual meeting. Our abstract has been selected as the reviewer’s choice award(~10%).
2020.09 The research article, “CUE: CpG impUtation Ensemble for DNA Methylation Levels Across the Human Methylation450 (HM450) and EPIC (HM850) BeadChip Platforms”, that Gang first authored, got accepted by Epigenetics.
2020.08 Gang gave a talk on SMNN at the 2020 JSM (Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19).
2020.07 The research article, “Deep Fiducial Inference”, that Gang first authored, got accepted by STAT.
2020.06 Gang joined Wells Fargo as a quantitative analytic intern of Decision Science Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) group in this summer.
2020.05 The research article, “SMNN: Batch Effect Correction for Single-cell RNA-seq data via Supervised Mutual Nearest Neighbor Detection”, that Gang co-first authored, got accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics.
2020.03 Gang received The Raj Chandra Bose Graduate Travel Fund, and gave a talk at the 2020 ENAR spring meeting (Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19).
2020.02 Gang received Graduate Student Transportation Award from UNC at Chapel Hill.
2020.02 Gang would give a talk at 2020 Conference on Statistical Practice in Sacramento, CA.
2019.12 The review article, “Dropout Imputation and Batch Effect Correction for Single-Cell RNA-seq Data”, that Gang first authored, got accepted by Journal of Bio-X Research.
2019.12 Gang passed the preliminary oral defense and became a formal Ph.D. candidate!
2019.10 Yuchen gave an oral presentation of our joint work at the 2019 ASHG meeting in Houston, TX.
2019.10 Gang presented a poster at the 2019 ASHG meeting in Houston, TX.
2019.08 Gang completed the Foundation of Data Science (FDS) Summer School 2019 at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Lodging funded by the summer school).
2019.07 Gang was invited to give a talk at the 2019 ICSA China Conferences in Tianjin, China.
2019.06 Gang served as a volunteer for the 2019 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium in Raleigh, NC.
2019.06 Gang received the 2019 ASA Student & Early Career Travel Award and presented an E-poster at Symposium on Data Science & Statistics in Seattle, WA!
2019.05 Gang finished a 9-month SAMSI graduate student fellowship program.
2019.05 Gang gave a talk at the 2019 SAMSI MUMS Transition Workshop in Chapel Hill, NC.
2019.04 Gang presented a poster at the 2019 Bayesian, Fiducial, and Frequentist (BFF) Conferences in Durham, NC.
2018.10 Gang presented a poster at the 2018 ASHG meeting in San Diego, CA.
2019.05.21 Hello world!